Virlana Tkacz
Virlana Tkacz is an American theatre director of Ukrainian origin and the founding director of the Yara Arts Group at the off-Broadway La MaMa experimental theatre in New York. Since 1990, she has created 35 original theatre pieces that fuse fragments of poetry, songs, legends and history to create imagistic productions with narrative. Virlana is a world-renowned expert on Les Kurbas. Together with Klyuzko, she curated “Kurbas in Kharkiv” at Yermilov Center in Kharkiv and “Kurbas: New Worlds” at the Art Arsenal.
Waldemart Klyuzko
Waldemart Klyuzko is an artist, photographer and videographer from Kyiv and a resident designer with Yara Arts Group. He has been a coordinator of the GogolFest International Contemporary Arts Festival since 2009. Since 2011 he has designed ten Yara Arts productions and was nominated for two New York Innovative Awards. His art includes: installations, photography, land art, street art, video art, performances and experiments with space.