BBC Ukrainian Book of the Year: talk with Tamara Horikha Zernya

BBC Ukrainian Book of the Year: talk with Tamara Horikha Zernya

Date and time:

Tuesday 9 June, 2020
18:00 - 20:00


At this online event Tamara Horikha Zernya will be in conversation with Svitlana Pyrkalo, Trustee of Ukrainian Institute London and EBRD cultural advisor. At the beginning of the event, BBC News Ukraine Editor Marta Shokalo will also give a brief presentation about the new BBC Ukrainian Book of the Year award coming up this year.

In 2014, Horikha Zernya started volunteering to support Ukrainian soldiers at the frontline. Moved by her experience and filled with urgency to share the stories of the people she met in the Donbas, Horikha Zernya began writing her debut novel, Dotsya (Daughter). Horikha Zernya has given a literary voice to the conflict and her novel was the winner of the BBC Ukrainian Book of the Year award in 2019.

This event will be held in Ukrainian. For those who do not speak Ukrainian, we will have simultaneous translation into English via a separate audio channel on Zoom.

На цьому онлайн-заході Тамара Горіха Зерня спілкуватиметься зі Світланою Пиркало, опікункою Українського інституту Лондона та культурним радником ЄБРР. На початку події редактор BBC News Ukraine Марта Шокало також проведе коротку презентацію нової нагороди «Українська книга року BBC», що відбудеться цього року. 

У 2014 році Горіха Зерня включилася у волонтерство на підтримку українських солдатів на передовій. Сповнена цим досвідом та бажанням поділитися розповідями людей, яких вона зустріла на Донбасі, Горіха Зерня почала писати свій дебютний роман «Доця». Горіха Зерня надала конфлікту літературного звучання, а її роман став лауреатом премії BBC Українська книга року у 2019 році.

Захід проходитиме українською мовою. Для тих, хто не розмовляє українською, ми забезпечимо синхронний переклад англійською через окремий аудіоканал на Zoom.

BBC Ukrainian Book of the Year: talk with Tamara Horikha Zernya



Tamara Horikha Zernya

Tamara Horikha Zernya is an author, her debut novel, Dotsya (Daughter) was the winner of the BBC Ukrainian Book of the Year award in 2019. Prior to the war, Tamara worked as a translator, she has since worked as a volunteer on the frontlines, an experience that informed her debut novel. Dotsya has been described as having given a literary voice to the conflict.


Marta Shokalo

Marta Shokalo is a journalist at the BBC, where she has been a Senior Editor since 2019. Before this, she had worked as a journalist at the BBC for 15 years. Marta has also served as a jury member for the BBC Ukrainian Book of the Year awards.


Svitlana Pyrkalo

Svitlana Pyrkalo is a Ukrainian writer and a permanent panel member on the BBC Ukrainian Book of the Year prize. During her 15-year career in print and broadcast journalism, Svitlana worked as a news journalist and radio presenter at the BBC Ukrainian Service in London, wrote regular columns for Ukrainsky Tyzhden, Gazeta po-Ukrainsky, Glavred, Stolichnaya Gazeta and other publications. In the early 2000s, she managed a TV show on 1+1 Channel in Ukraine, worked as deputy editor-in-chief of the first, and only, Ukrainian language fashion magazine, EVA. She started her career in the secretariat of Narodny Rukh Ukrainy, a national democratic political party.

Svitlana currently works in the field of international development. Her education spans linguistics, finance and international relations.