What can you do to support Ukraine & Ukrainians?

We have set up a separate page with useful links, information and guidance for UK hosts looking to support Ukrainians and for Ukrainians arriving in the UK.

Humanity & Inclusion Ukraine Emergency Appeal — an emergency fund to support disabled and vulnerable people in Ukraine

Ukraine Charity humanitarian appeal raising funds to procure medicine and medical equipment. Ukraine Charity is a UK registered charity.

British-Ukrainian Aid supports people suffering from the war and humanitarian crisis in Ukraine by aligning UK and Ukrainian efforts.

PLAST Donate to the Ukrainian scouts association to help provide humanitarian, medical and rehabilitation support to scouts and their families during Russia’s invasion.
UK account details:
Account Name: PLAST Ukrainian Youth Organisation Scouts
Account Number: 01561308
Sort Code: 40-35-26

for PEACE  The forPEACE Ukraine Relief Project works with Ukrainians to deliver targeted medical and humanitarian aid, connecting international financial support with Ukrainian networks, medical professionals, and trusted community organisers on the ground.

Voices of Children Charitable Foundation since 2015, has provided free psychological assistance to children and their families affected by the war. From the full-scale invasion, the foundation has supported more than 64,000 children and adults. All donations go to individual and group, and online psychological sessions, activities (camps, art therapy, excursions), rehabilitation, and humanitarian aid for children and parents.

Leleka focusing on the urgent supply of critical medical supplies and protective gear to Ukraine’s defenders and civilians

🇺🇸 Razom for Ukraine and Nova Ukraine US-based emergency appeals.

Rescue Now this Ukrainian charity evacuates people from war zones and supports the elderly in eastern Ukraine. The Rescue Now team is supporting people in the Kherson region affected by mass flooding following Russia’s destruction of the Kakhovka dam.

Nova Poshta — delivering aid throughout Ukraine for free. In the UK, you can post or take parcels directly to their warehouses in Maidstone and Eastleigh, or donate to support their efforts. Warehouse details for eight countries via the link.

Four Paws raising money to support Ukrainian animals. Its website includes information for refugees leaving Ukraine with pets.

Come Back Alive donate via card or bank. This Ukraine-based charity is supporting the Armed Forces of Ukraine through financing purely defence initiatives.

Dignitas Foundation support of Ukrainian defenders and veterans

National Bank of Ukraine transfer direct funding to the Ukrainian armed forces. The account accepts a number of currencies including GBP, EUR, USD, and CHF.

Defend Ukraine a list of fundraisers, charities, and donation links, covering financial and humanitarian aid, medical supplies, and military support.

Support Ukraine NOW worldwide network with resources for donating, protesting, and volunteering. The website includes country-specific tips for over 20 countries.

Fundraiser for The Kyiv Independent support The Kyiv Independent to continue reporting on the ground from Ukraine.

Straight from the Frontline to provide urgent and practical support to those risking their lives for the truth in Ukraine.

UAHELP 🇬🇧 Support Ukraine is coordinating donations and deliveries of essential goods, medicines, food products, medical equipment and ammunition. You can also sign up as a volunteer or driver, or register an aid collection centre in your area.

UkraineNow 🌐 global effort to coordinate help: evacuations, medical and food supplies, information, and cash on the ground. Through UkraineNow you can sign up to host Ukrainians who have left the country.

Email your MP to urge them to take all possible measures to support Ukraine and Ukrainians. Find your MPs contact details.

Write to your child’s headteacher  Template here
Urge them to provide compassion and counselling to pupils, to ensure that discussions of the war in school show respect to Ukraine and condemn Russia’s illegal invasion, and to request that the school fundraise for humanitarian aid in Ukraine.

Global 🌐 Stand With Ukraine.

If your town isn’t holding a demonstration, consider organising one. Chances are, there will be many others who will want to join you.

The Kyiv Independent

Olga Tokariuk

Nika Melkozerova

Illia Ponomarenko

The New Voice of Ukraine

We Are Ukraine –  information about Ukraine’s contribution to freedom and lasting peace in the world. Learn about the Ukrainian nation and its resilience, and share the truth about the war in Ukraine.

Ukrainian MFA statements on the evacuation of African and Indian nationals

Other Ways to Show Support

Consider signing one of these petitions. Please get in touch if you learn of other relevant petitions.

There is currently a huge demand for trustworthy information on how to help Ukraine and Ukrainians.

The Ukrainian Institute London is working tirelessly to give Ukraine a reliable voice in UK and world media, to respond to a constant stream of enquiries and to keep our events programme, educational courses, cultural initiatives and support to displaced Ukrainians.

In order to keep doing all this, we need your help. If you feel that in addition to supporting Ukraine’s immediate needs you can also support the Institute’s work, you can make a donation here. We are very grateful for your support.

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